And there it was thundering over me. I looked up from the window of my taxi and saw the sky, grey and menacing. The clouds cooked up a violent storm. Boxed in on all sides by immovable traffic, I knew I wouldn’t make it out in time. It began shortly after.
I wound down my window and in came the rain and hail, striking like darts and stones. The cacophony consumed my senses, it was like being in the presence of a terrifying god. I stepped out of the car without an umbrella and it was black as night. The cars were there but there were no lights, no sound of humans nor that of machine. That day I gave offering to disaster. I climbed on top of my taxi, and danced.
Are you surprised? Did you not know? I bask under the sun and dance under the rain. There is nothing quite like me. Beautiful by design, eternal in nature. The god of rain knows my name, and I honour him even when he speaks with thunder and lightning.