Thank God I encourage in the spirit. Sometimes I wonder to myself if I’m doing too much but when I look around the world I realize I am not doing enough. What tingles on the tip of my perceptories permeate into my dreams. About these things, shall the people not know?
Today I ponder on the abomination that causes desolation. A manifestation of hate that shakes the most secure place. The event that pulls down the curtain, and we see ourselves. Clay, wood and iron coming apart, the chase and the flee, the hunt and hide, the haunt and it’s victims. The human against the human. That even those who have faith, whose hope is steadfast love, would fall – if it were possible. Oh how comforting to be marked, to be assured by hope, to share good news and tell a good story. Blessed is the one who receives favourable news.
Hate is diffuse, it is in the air just like the coronavirus, it is the water. We live amongst it and one must live against it. By all means let it not settle within you, for it seeks not permission, and knocks not on the front door. Put on your masks of faith, live firmly in love encouraging yourselves and one another in that spirit. Guard your hearts and your minds, for God so loved the world that God proved it with a sacrifice. God died by hatred, but reconciled in love. We called him Jesus, and whoever believes this proof, this sacrifice – sees God finally, and loves Jesus. He became a mark of love. They are brought into unity and a hope that will not be taken away, and will be delivered from hate.
For all have hated and fallen short of love, but God makes another plea today through Jesus. There is a way so sure it is impossible to go astray, there is a light so alive it drives away death. There is a way; oh come and take your portion with love. The weakest reed he will not break, a flickering flame he will not quench. You have been made beautiful, you have been made strong. Take heart, for you have overcome. Your portion is with the one who is saved from hate, your table is with the one who has saved in love. The strength of your salvation is love, and it will never leave you.